
I'm Jinwoo

I'm a Frontend Software Engineer with a strong passion for building web applications with great user experiences.
Here's a bit more about me.

Here are some of my projects

  • Lyriks

    Javascript, HTML, TailWind CSS, React, JavaScript, Rapid API, and Redux

    Lyriks is a Spotify Clone. Implemented various features such as the ability to search music based on interest, music based on an individual's location, dynamic paging for each music, and etc.

  • E-commerce Library Application

    Html, CSS, Javascript, and React

    E-commerce application Applied features such as sorting, the ability to add books to a cart, applied skeleton loading states, made sure each book had its own dynamic page

  • Dinsey Plos+

    Html, CSS, Javascript, React, Redux, and Firebase

    Disney Plos is a clone of Disney Plus. Created dynamic login page for each user by Google login, each movie has its own designated detail page with details regarding the movie, as well as other information.